

Be 1 from 0, if you belong here Efforts might be fruitless, no matter what you do Instead of mourning your misfortune, live your life with all your might Gradually, an outline will appear - that’s the real you

You started to say something, then thought better of it It’s unfair if you’re the only one troubled Forcing a question is my role But you’re actually scared of making up your mind?

“You’d better stop that” Would you heed advice like that? Answers should be found in the bustle of the city

If you’re so engrossed that you see nothing else, you’ll be happy Being unable to stay calm lets you dash forward Yes, even if you break free from the past You won’t face any troubles Let go of love or memories, just go empty-handed

You have so many desires, But if you’re zero, multiplying anything by you still results in zero, right? Stretch yourself and reach out your right hand to the sky! What’s out of reach is the dream awaiting just a millimeter ahead

You say you lack confidence; what, exactly, are you expecting me to deny? Confidence isn’t something received from others Be 1 from 0, if you belong here Efforts might be fruitless, no matter what you do Instead of mourning your misfortune, live your life with all your might Gradually, an outline will appear - that’s the real you

Staying as you are is easy for now But it gains you nothing (you only remain a zero) Sweat more than anyone in the world and become 1 When you finally get there, you’ll understand Above there There’s another next…

If you’re so engrossed that you see nothing else, you’ll be happy Being unable to stay calm lets you dash forward Yes, even if you break free from the past You won’t face any troubles Let go of love or memories, just go empty-handed



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