英訳 『10秒天使』日向坂46 【坂道で学ぶ英語と康】

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英訳 "Ten Seconds Angel" (作詞:秋元康)

In the classroom,
The two of them exchange glances secretly
Some notice that
Others don't notice at all
Love is invisible force

Like pulling a string,
The angel on the front seat is pulling my heart  - (1)

Just ten seconds
If I had gazed at you for just ten seconds,
I would've started to like you
So I looked away immediately
Pretending not to be interested in you,
One-sided, timid love

Ten seconds
I don't know why
But I felt the ten seconds were so long
I'm trying to convey my feelings to you
with the invisible force.

I wouldn't do childish things
like dropping an eraser - (2)
I would be happy just to see you smile from here sometimes.

It's much clearer than words
Love is the look in your eyes

How many seconds?
Without thinking of you,
For how many seconds can I stay calm?
When the school bell rings
I open the curtain
And look up at the sky

How many seconds?
Following clouds with my eyes,
for how many seconds can I feel you near me?
I'm poor at expressing myself
But nobody could do it in front of you

Just ten seconds.
If I had gazed at you for just ten seconds,
I would've started to like you
So I looked away immediately
Pretending not to be interested in you
One-sided, timid love

Ten seconds
I don't know why
But I felt the ten seconds were so long
I'm trying to convey my feelings to you
with the invisible force

(1) In the original lyrics, the angel sits on the seat diagonally forward, not on the front seat. On top of that, the seat may be diagonally forward right because

  • his seat is close to the curtains according to the lyrics
  • every classroom in Japan has windows on the left side
  • so there are no seats on the left of his seat.

But "diagonally forward" sounds a little bit wordy. So I chose the word "the front seat". (2) In Japan, nerds like me sometimes intentionally drop an eraser to talk with girls sitting next to them. Of course, it's not always intentional.


康よ。「切ない」ってもう使わないでくれ。今回は、my feelingsに逃げちゃったけど、毎回どうやって訳したらいいのか迷う。

Like pulling a stringはなんとなくオシャレかなと思って入れてみました。ここにstringと入れることで、Love is invisible forceのforceの部分の必然性が上がる気がするってのもあるけど。張力ってpowerっていうよりforceって感じするから。

斜め前って言いたいけどなんか英語だとクドくなる気がして、the front seatにしちゃった。でも日本語のニュアンスとしては、興味ないふりしながら周辺視野で「天使」を見るためには、「斜め」前じゃないといけないんだよな。この感覚、すごく共感できる。

With the invisible forceのところ、最初はWithout saying anythingだったけど、「何も喋らないまま 僕の胸の切なさを伝えようとしているんだ」っておどけて言っているように聞こえているから、「教室の他の人達がやっているみたいな例の見えない力とやらで、僕の気持ちが伝わったりしないかなぁ」っていう意味で前者にした。










3:02 みーぱんのこの首を横にふるしぐさ、みーぱんらしいなぁ。

4:26 舌を出して唇をぺろりとするシーン。拍手です。無意識でやってるとしたら天才です。

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